Saturday, February 21, 2009

Stopping food pocketing

Wow! What an interesting week at work! I have to share....I have a little 2 year old who I have been working with on trying to decrease the amount of food that is being pocketed in the cheeks, in order for this child to be a safer, more efficient eater. I was so proud of "Client A" (we can't tell gender, names or specifics for HIPPA privacy policy reasons) who slowly but surely is starting to pocket food less. How do you stop pocketing? Well...we (mom & I) started with changing the mealtime set-up. Instead of watching "child A" eat, mom & I became active participants with "the child". You've heard the expression "Lead by example"...well...the same is true about feeding...children learn by watching your example...if they are fed in a high chair seperated from the family or at a different time they miss out on watching the "Leaders" (their mom & dad) eat. & I started talking about what was happening to the food in our mouths as we chewed up the food. For example...if we were eating a pretzel rod...we would talk about and show ( feeding therapy showing the chewed up food in your mouth is a necessity) we use our "Strong teeth" to "chew-chew-chew"...then we would talk about our tongue..."Uh-oh Mr. Pretzel is all smushed now..he needs some help getting off of my comes Mr.Tongue"...We would EXAGGERATE moving our tongue to the lateral incisors and while keeping our mouths WIDE OPEN (for better visual effect) ...we show how to move the chewed up bolus (a bolus is food that has been chewed and is ready for swallow) to the tip of the tongue...then we would say "bye-bye" (overly exaggerating this as well) and with our mouth open show how the bolus moves to the back of the tongue and then we swallow...after the swallow we opened our mouths wide and showed the empty oral cavity...tah-dah..

We did lots and lots of this "play" with our food...talking about how some food is crunchy and some food is goey and needs "Mr. Tongue" more to get it to go bye-bye..etc...etc...

So thats might be thinking...???

Well..not "Child A's" case we also had to work on increasing oral motor skills through strategically placing food, cutting food into specific shapes in order to elicit a specific oral motor movement, chosing food that has specific textures, etc...etc..but pretty much this little one took off with feeding when we broke food down to his level and had "fun" while we ate. We also taught what to do with the bolus if we were tired of eating...aka we showed how to spit food out of our mouths...Hey :) Thats a lot better than "child A" keeping in the mouth and choking on it later...or making us be the bad people by using our finger to scrap out the leftover bolus...Safety first, right...Safety and then we can think about "manners" later :)

Special note :
Children are like open books..and sometimes we forget they still need lots of pages to be filled with "how to......". Children need models, they need explanations, they need to "Feel experiences" to remember them...especially a 2 year old...God gave us several senses in order to take in our world and the amazing thing about children is that when you explain "how to..." in a way that uses each of those senses...the children REMEMBER and begin doing it! WOW!

Is "Child A" done with therapy...well not quite yet but the little one is getting there and since "child A" has great parents who are carrying over all these "fun mealtime" changes "Child A" is learning quickly. Soon...

Monday, February 16, 2009

What I learned about baby development

Did you know just how perfectly formed babies are?

You know the bible verse in Jeremiah that speaks about God knowing each of us before we were formed in the womb...How amazing that is...and then you learn about the intricacies of the factual process of how exactly a baby is formed in the womb and then develops once born...and you have to is amazing!

Let me explain..did you know that the left side of a babies face forms seperately but at the same time as the right side of their face...and then during the early weeks of gestation the two sides fuze to form the "whole" face...the proof of this is our little Philtrum (the indented line running from your nose to your lips)..this happens as the sides fuze...its kind of like a a way :)

One of the most captivating tidbits about a babies development in utero is that the brain is fully developed by I believe 10 weeks of!

Once the baby is born development becomes more exciting!

Did you know that a baby is born with "Fatter" or "Chubby" cheeks for a reason. Yep, thats right...those chubby cheeks are also there not only to add more room for loving kisses but also to help protect baby from choking. The tongue in babies is enlarged when they are first born...well..not enlarged...but when compared to the rest of their oral cavity (aka the mouth) the tongue is rather large...

Did you know that having the tongue and the chubby cheeks act together to prevent food or other objects from choking a baby! God is good! He built in protection to keep safe our precious gifts!

Oh...this is cool too...did you know that the tongue in an infant is actually higher in the back of the mouth (raised)...and guessed it...this also helps to protect baby. The infants mouth is actually designed when they are first born to only take and accept liquids into their mouth...and since the way that their tongue moves is also a designed pattern (aka sucking & suckling) a baby does not use all of the taste buds on their tongue....because they do not use the whole surface area of the tongue when they feed...only the back portions...sooooo....if a baby is given a liquid that is bitter in taste they will automatically spit it out...because bitter taste does not taste good on the back part of our tongue...

Yep! You guessed it, another protection mechanism built in by God! Babies are designed to reject liquids that could be potentionally bad...I guess we should have known...the were designed by the Master Creator!

More cool things to come later :)