Friday, March 20, 2009

Learning Espanol

Have you ever felt called by God?

About 3 months ago..I was in Puerto Rico (my wonderful fiance earned a FREE trip from his work), and while walking in the rainforrest God became huge to me...I stood in awe of his greatness in that Rain Forrest..I took so many pictures that .my camera ran out of batteries. Although we were on the hike with several other people I felt like it was just Jeremiah (my fiance), me and God in the middle of the most beautiful scenery that I have ever seen...scenery that God took my breath away...from the the colorful was amazing..and quiet..all you heard were the sounds of nature..of the animals of the forrest. It was there in that Rainforrest that I began praying...(I really do this often at home too, but in the rainforrest it was just somehow different...I felt so close to God that I could touch him). I talked with God about our upcoming wedding (only 1 1/2 months now)...I asked God to help our wedding & the reception to glorify him...I asked him to take our marriage and use it to further his plan on this earth. I honestly didn't feel an answer right then..but as we walked through the remainder of our hike I felt a peace come over me...I felt complete happiness..and I also felt the urge to "Do something"..that urge to just get up and change the world...or something "crazy" like was an amazing feeling.

Two days later...we were on the bus ride driving back to the airport to leave...I was listening to Jeremiah's IPOD and the song "God of this City" came on....As I looked out the window I saw a man standing in the middle of the road with a can...he was asking people for money...I felt sad for this man...and then as I continued to look I realized how lucky we are...christians that is...We know that we have a savior...we have joy that only comes from loving him! I wanted to stop the bus right then and go tell the man all about Jesus (figuratively speaking of course..those that know me..know that I am a little quiet when it comes to being evangelical :)...and then I realized that I couldn't...I couldn't share Jesus with this man even if I gained the courage and the bus stopped...I couldn't share him with the man because I didn't speak his language. I was saddened by that fact. The next things I saw out of the bus window were shopping stores...La Carniceria (the meat shop), La Iglesia (The Church), La Farmacia (the pharmacy), etc...I had four years of spanish in high school so I was able to interpret some...and that made me excited..

I began to think...maybe...just maybe I could learn spanish...I could learn how to speak this man's language and someday...I could share Christ with him...maybe..just maybe...but how..and where?

The VERY next week...I recieved a course booklet from the community college here in town...I really didn't think much about it...I mean afterall I am getting married soon, and planning a wedding is pretty time consuming...not much time to be taking a course, and adding more I flipped the pages I saw a course on "book writing", on "Learning to scuba dive" (I thought that one might be good for the honeymoon)...and then I came to the language page..."Conversational Spanish"... doesn't say that...not just "Learn Spanish"...but "Conversational Spanish"...thats exactly what I need! Instead of feeling excited though..I felt dread...I knew then what God was asking...I knew what he wanted from me...and I was scared! I hate admitting this...but I am a bit of a nerd..yep I know...but seriously..and the worst part is that I typically take part in things that are within my "comfort zone" and I am able to get "an A"...spanish is not in my comfort zone..I was sure it was going to be hard...I was sure I wasn't going to be the "A" student in the class...and that discouraged I did the only thing possible I prayed...and I prayed...

And what was God's was pretty I thought about spanish..One memory kept popping up...

I was doing a service opportunity with my church and was helping a lady who spoke spanish and she asked me if I knew spanish..I told her no...then she asked me "no spanish, some?" you know any Spanish..even a little at all..I said "no"...and the look on her face was sad...sad because now we couldn't really talk to eachother.

Soooo...I signed up the class...big gulp....Currently, the class has been going on now for about a month and a half...and I am learning is a great class..but it is SO HARD, and I am defintely NOT the smartest in the class...every night I go to it I know that I will prbably feel dumb an average of about 6-7 times..but I also know that everytime I go, I get a little better...I feel a little more confident in the language...and maybe someday...someday.....

I don't know what God has planned for me learning Spanish...but I know this...he has a plan and I know this is something he wants me to do. Who knows...maybe its just to get me to step out of my comfort zone....or maybe its to be a missionary in the dominican small group bible study is talking about taking a trip there...or maybe its to help a certain family through being a speech therapist...who knows...but isn't it exciting to know you are simply following God..following God without a clue as to what the result will be!

We learned in our small group bible study that in order to "walk on water" as Peter first must "Get out of the boat"...well...this is me...stepping out in faith and touching my toes in the water...

God is good!

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