Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Toys/Materials a speech therapist recommends

Toys that a Speech Therapist would buy…..

**Any of the Sandra Boynton books-they have repetitive lines that the kids can repeat (moo, baa, lalala- is my favorite)

**Books that have pictures-not story books

**Books that have animals-to get kids to imitate animal sounds and label pictures

**Toys that don't make noise-so kids have to use imagination and make the animal sounds themselves instead of the toy doing it for them

**Ring Stackers- Good for problem solving skills as well as playing "peek-a-boo" through the rings...etc..

**First words card- Scholastic has a ton of different cards that kids can touch and feel as they has them for great Toys R Us they are about 10-15 dollars...

**Baby Signs are great for the little ones to start using to communicate (easy signs like "more", "all-done", "please", etc...) has great deals on these as well

**Musical Instruments facilitate speech...through imitating sounds while playing and imiaginative play

**Toy Telephones-to practice pretend conversations and role play (i.e., hi mama..uh-huh...okay..bye-bye, etc...)

**Toy babies..with bottles, spoons, bowls, blankets, etc... helps to facilatate language through imaginative play

**Toy foods and kitchens set the stage for imaginative play

**Toy picnic-same idea..give the props to help
set the stage for imaginative play...
don't provide toys that do all the work for kid
(meaning-don't get noisy, light-up toys)

**Toy house, or people-so kids can make up
conversations and scenarios with toys

**Toy tools-where child has to make up scene
and imagine what to build

**Get tupper-ware container, put in sand or rice and hide bugs,
or objects and have kids dig to find about what
they find....etc...

hope that helps :)

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